USE Biography
STEPHANIE DUFRESNE, Harvard pre-vet junior
Major: Integrative Biology College/Employer: Harvard Year of Graduation: 2020 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm a pre-vet junior who is studying Integrative Biology. Ever since third grade, I've been interested in becoming a veterinarian since third grade. My love for animals urged me to find a research opportunity that involves working with animals. I currently do research in the Pepperberg Avian Cognition Lab on campus. The lab has been training parrots to learn aspects of referential English speech for over 40 years. I'm currently studying Grey parrots' ability to comprehend sequences through the preposition "in". Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S64: Inside a Harvard Research Lab: Studying Avian Cognition in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
In! Up! Out! Over!
Despite the simplicity of these words, they play a prominent role in a child's ability to organize thoughts and follow instructions in order. Given that birds’ song learning has been proposed as a model system for human language acquisition, my study tests whether birds can also be models for studies of sequential learning through the concept of order with the use of the preposition “in”.
In my study, I present them with two different stacks of colored cups and state which order they should select (“Pick blue IN yellow”, and thus ignore “yellow in blue”). The results are encouraging and the study is continuing with both birds.