USE Biography
Major: Not available. College/Employer: Harvard Year of Graduation: 2022 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)H47: Tombs and Treasure and Trash, Oh My! The Basics of Archaeology in Splash Spring 2019 (Apr. 27, 2019)
Ever wondered about how all those things in museums came to be there? Have you ever asked yourself what Indiana Jones' job is really like? Do you like dirt? If you answered yes to any of the above, archaeology could be the field for you. In one hour, learn about the myths and realities of archaeology, what it means to dig and discover things in the ground, and how archaeology is relevant to the world today. In this class I would like to show a short (six and a half minute) clip of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", do a basic trash can exercise (dump out a fake trash can collection and have students analyze and reconstruct a history of who created that trash), and discuss the basic concepts, ethics, and subfields of archaeology.